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Seznam nejvyšších budov USA

Z Multimediaexpo.cz

Toto je seznam 50 nejvyšších budov v celých Spojených státech. Seřazené jsou podle výšky.

Pořadí ↓Název ↓Město ↓Obrázek ↓Výška m
(ft) ↓
Počet poschodí ↓Rok dokončení ↓
1 Willis Tower Chicago Sears Tower ss.jpg 442
110 1974
2 Trump International Hotel and Tower Chicago 20090518 Trump International Hotel and Tower, Chicago.jpg 423
92 2009
3 Empire State Building New York Manhattan at Dusk by slonecker.jpg 381
102 1931
4 Bank of America Tower New York Bank of America Tower night.JPG 366
54 2009
5 Aon Center Chicago 2006-06-07 840x1500 chicago aon building.jpg 346
83 1973
6 John Hancock Center Chicago John Hancock Center.jpg 344
100 1969
7 - 8 Chrysler Building New York Chrysler Building by David Shankbone Retouched.jpg 319
77 1930
7 - 8 New York Times Building New York Ny-times-tower.jpg 319
52 2007
9 Bank of America Plaza Atlanta Bankofamerica-atlanta.jpg 312
55 1992
10 U.S. Bank Tower Los Angeles Los Angeles Library Tower (small).jpg 310
73 1989
11 AT&T Corporate Center Chicago P6110099.jpg 307
60 1989
12 JPMorgan Chase Tower Houston Chase Tower, a block away.jpg 305
75 1982
13 Two Prudential Plaza Chicago 2006-08-16 1580x2800 chicago two pru.jpg 303
64 1990
14 Wells Fargo Plaza Houston Wells Fargo Bank Plaza, Houston, from base.jpg 302
71 1983
15 Comcast Center Filadelfie Comcastcenter vertical.jpg 297
57 2007
16 311 South Wacker Drive Chicago 311 South Wacker Drive 060528.jpg 293
65 1990
17 American International Building New York American International Building3.JPG 290
66 1932
18 Key Tower Cleveland Key tower.jpg 289
57 1991
19 One Liberty Place Filadelfie Liberty place.jpg 288
61 1987
20 Columbia Center Seattle Columbia center from smith tower.jpg 284
74 1985
21 40 Wall Street New York 283
70 1930
22 Bank of America Plaza Dallas 281
72 1985
23 Citigroup Center New York 279
59 1977
24 Williams Tower Houston 275
64 1983
25 Renaissance Tower (Dallas) Dallas 270
56 1974
26 - 28 900 North Michigan Chicago 265
66 1989
26 - 28 Bank of America Corporate Center Charlotte 265
60 1992
26 - 28 SunTrust Plaza Atlanta 265
60 1992
29 Trump World Tower New York 262
72 2001
30 Water Tower Place Chicago 262
74 1976
31 Aon Center Los Angeles 262
62 1974
32 Transamerica Pyramid San Francisco 260
48 1972
33 - 34 Chase Tower Chicago 259
60 1969
33 - 34 GE Building New York 259
69 1933
35 Two Liberty Place Filadelfie 258
58 1990
36 Park Tower Chicago 257
67 2000
37 U.S. Steel Tower Pittsburgh 256
64 1970
38 Chase Tower Indianapolis 253
49 1990
39 One Atlantic Center Atlanta 250
50 1987
40 - 41 Aqua Chicago 250
82 2009
40 - 41 Legacy Tower Chicago 250
72 2009
42 CitySpire Center New York 248
75 1987
43 One Chase Manhattan Plaza New York 248
60 1960
44 Condé Nast Building New York 247
48 1999
45 MetLife Building New York 246
59 1963
46 Bloomberg Tower New York 246
54 2005
47 - 49 IDS Center Minneapolis 241
57 1973
47 - 49 BNY Mellon Center Filadelfie 241
54 1990
47 - 49 Woolworth Building New York 241
57 1913
50 John Hancock Tower Boston 241
60 1976

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