Z Multimediaexpo.cz
Toto je seznam 50 nejvyšších budov v celých Spojených státech. Seřazené jsou podle výšky.
| Název
| Město
| Obrázek
| Výška m (ft)
| Počet poschodí
| Rok dokončení
1 | Willis Tower | Chicago | | 442 (1,451) | 110 | 1974
2 | Trump International Hotel and Tower | Chicago | | 423 (1,389) | 92 | 2009
3 | Empire State Building | New York | | 381 (1,250) | 102 | 1931
4 | Bank of America Tower | New York | | 366 (1,200) | 54 | 2009
5 | Aon Center | Chicago | | 346 (1,136) | 83 | 1973
6 | John Hancock Center | Chicago | | 344 (1,127) | 100 | 1969
7 - 8 | Chrysler Building | New York | | 319 (1,046) | 77 | 1930
7 - 8 | New York Times Building | New York | | 319 (1,046) | 52 | 2007
9 | Bank of America Plaza | Atlanta | | 312 (1,023) | 55 | 1992
10 | U.S. Bank Tower | Los Angeles | | 310 (1,018) | 73 | 1989
11 | AT&T Corporate Center | Chicago | | 307 (1,007) | 60 | 1989
12 | JPMorgan Chase Tower | Houston | | 305 (1,002) | 75 | 1982
13 | Two Prudential Plaza | Chicago | | 303 (995) | 64 | 1990
14 | Wells Fargo Plaza | Houston | | 302 (992) | 71 | 1983
15 | Comcast Center | Filadelfie | | 297 (975) | 57 | 2007
16 | 311 South Wacker Drive | Chicago | | 293 (961) | 65 | 1990
17 | American International Building | New York | | 290 (952) | 66 | 1932
18 | Key Tower | Cleveland | | 289 (947) | 57 | 1991
19 | One Liberty Place | Filadelfie | | 288 (945) | 61 | 1987
20 | Columbia Center | Seattle | | 284 (932) | 74 | 1985
21 | 40 Wall Street | New York | | 283 (927) | 70 | 1930
22 | Bank of America Plaza | Dallas | | 281 (921) | 72 | 1985
23 | Citigroup Center | New York | | 279 (915) | 59 | 1977
24 | Williams Tower | Houston | | 275 (901) | 64 | 1983
25 | Renaissance Tower (Dallas) | Dallas | | 270 (886) | 56 | 1974
26 - 28 | 900 North Michigan | Chicago | | 265 (871) | 66 | 1989
26 - 28 | Bank of America Corporate Center | Charlotte | | 265 (871) | 60 | 1992
26 - 28 | SunTrust Plaza | Atlanta | | 265 (871) | 60 | 1992
29 | Trump World Tower | New York | | 262 (861) | 72 | 2001
30 | Water Tower Place | Chicago | | 262 (859) | 74 | 1976
31 | Aon Center | Los Angeles | | 262 (858) | 62 | 1974
32 | Transamerica Pyramid | San Francisco | | 260 (853) | 48 | 1972
33 - 34 | Chase Tower | Chicago | | 259 (850) | 60 | 1969
33 - 34 | GE Building | New York | | 259 (850) | 69 | 1933
35 | Two Liberty Place | Filadelfie | | 258 (848) | 58 | 1990
36 | Park Tower | Chicago | | 257 (844) | 67 | 2000
37 | U.S. Steel Tower | Pittsburgh | | 256 (841) | 64 | 1970
38 | Chase Tower | Indianapolis | | 253 (830) | 49 | 1990
39 | One Atlantic Center | Atlanta | | 250 (820) | 50 | 1987
40 - 41 | Aqua | Chicago | | 250 (819) | 82 | 2009
40 - 41 | Legacy Tower | Chicago | | 250 (819) | 72 | 2009
42 | CitySpire Center | New York | | 248 (814) | 75 | 1987
43 | One Chase Manhattan Plaza | New York | | 248 (813) | 60 | 1960
44 | Condé Nast Building | New York | | 247 (809) | 48 | 1999
45 | MetLife Building | New York | | 246 (808) | 59 | 1963
46 | Bloomberg Tower | New York | | 246 (806) | 54 | 2005
47 - 49 | IDS Center | Minneapolis | | 241 (792) | 57 | 1973
47 - 49 | BNY Mellon Center | Filadelfie | | 241 (792) | 54 | 1990
47 - 49 | Woolworth Building | New York | | 241 (792) | 57 | 1913
50 | John Hancock Tower | Boston | | 241 (790) | 60 | 1976
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