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Rick Rubin
Z Multimediaexpo.cz
Rick Rubin (*1963) je americký hudební producent.
Je znám především jako producent, který rád spojuje různé žánry od rapu po heavymetal. Rubin byl například hlavním strůjcem spojení raperů Run-D.M.C a skupiny Aerosmith, kteří spolu poté natočili slavnou píseň „Walk This Way“. Televizí MTV byl oceněn jako „nejdůležitější producent posledních 20 let“. Z poslední doby je znám zejména jako producent na deskách skupin Red Hot Chili Peppers, System of a Down či Audioslave. Produkoval také nové album Justina Timberlakea.
Produkovaná alba
- Radio - LL Cool J (1985)
- Licensed to Ill - Beastie Boys (1986)
- Raising Hell - Run-D.M.C. (1986)
- Reign in Blood - Slayer (1986)
- Electric - The Cult (1987)
- Danzig - Danzig (1988)
- Tougher Than Leather - Run-D.M.C. (1988)
- South of Heaven - Slayer (1988)
- Masters of Reality - Masters of Reality (1988)
- Andrew Dice Clay - Andrew Dice Clay (1989)
- Trouble - Trouble (1990)
- Danzig II: Lucifuge - Danzig (1990)
- Seasons in the Abyss - Slayer (1990)
- Nobody Said It Was Easy - The Four Horsemen (1991)
- Manic Frustration - Trouble (1991)
- Decade of Aggression - Slayer (1991)
- Blood Sugar Sex Magik - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1991)
- Danzig III: How the Gods Kill - Danzig (1992)
- Thrall: Demonsweatlive - Danzig (1993)
- 21st Century Jesus - Messiah (1993)
- Danzig 4 - Danzig (1994)
- American Recordings - Johnny Cash (1994)
- Divine Intervention - Slayer (1994)
- Wildflowers - Tom Petty (1994)
- One Hot Minute - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1995)
- Ballbreaker - AC/DC (1995)
- God Lives Underwater - God Lives Underwater (1995)
- Empty - God Lives Underwater (1995)
- Unchained - Johnny Cash (1996)
- Undisputed Attitude - Slayer (1996)
- Sutras - Donovan (1996)
- VH1 Storytellers - Johnny Cash & Willie Nelson (1998)
- Diabolus in Musica - Slayer (1998)
- System of a Down - System of a Down (1998)
- Chef Aid - South Park (1998)
- Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1999)
- Loud Rocks - V/A (tracks: 1. System of a Down & Wu-Tang Clan - Shame, 6. Tom Morello & Chad Smith & Wu-Tang Clan - Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nothing Ta Fuck Wit) (1999)
- American III: Solitary Man - Johnny Cash (2000)
- Paloalto - Paloalto (2000)
- Renegades - Rage Against The Machine (2000)
- Amethyst Rock Star - Saul Williams (2001)
- The War of Art-American Head Charge (2001)
- Breath of the Heart -Krishna Das (2001)
- Toxicity - System of a Down (2001)
- American IV: The Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash (2002)
- By The Way - Red Hot Chili Peppers (2002)
- Audioslave - Audioslave (2002)
- Steal This Album! - System of a Down (2002)
- Results May Vary - Limp Bizkit (2003) (dohromady s Terry Date s Jordanem Schurem)
- Unearthed - Johnny Cash (2003)
- Door of Faith - Krishna Das (2003)
- De-Loused in the Comatorium - The Mars Volta (2003) (dohromady s Omar Rodriguez-Lopez)
- The Black Album - Jay-Z (2003) („99 Problems“)
- Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium - Rage Against the Machine (2003)
- Heroes and Villains - Paloalto (2003)
- Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses) - Slipknot (2004)
- Armed Love - The (International) Noise Conspiracy (2004)
- Crunk Juice - Lil' Jon and the East Side Boyz (2004) („Stop Fuckin' Wit Me“)
- Make Believe - Weezer (2005)
- Out of Exile - Audioslave (2005)
- Mezmerize - System of a Down (2005)
- Hypnotize - System of a Down (2005)
- 12 Songs - Neil Diamond (2005)
- Stadium Arcadium - Red Hot Chili Peppers (2006)
- Taking the Long Way – Dixie Chicks (2006)
- American V: A Hundred Highways - Johnny Cash (2006)
- FutureSex/LoveSounds - Justin Timberlake (2006)
- Minutes to Midnight - Linkin Park (2007)
- Death Magnetic - Metallica (2008)
- Untitled - Kid Rock (2007)
- Untitled - The Faint (2007)
- American VI - Johnny Cash (pravděpodobně 2007)