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dokončit zcela nový balíček 900 000 fotografií na plných 100 procent !!
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Martin Parr
Martin Parr (* 1952, Epsom, Surey, Anglie) je britský dokumentární fotograf a fotožurnalista, člen agentury Magnum Photos od roku 1994.
- Bad Weather. London: Zwemmer, 1982. ISBN 0302999965
- A Fair Day: Photographs from the West Coast of Ireland. Salem House, 1984. ISBN 0907797105
- Last Resort: Photographs of New Brighton. Dewi Lewis, 1986.
- One Day Trip. Editions de la différence, Pas-de-Calais, 1989.
- The Cost of Living. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. ISBN 0893814393. Cornerhouse, 1989. ISBN 094879755X
- Signs of the Times: A Portrait of the Nation's Tastes. Cornerhouse, 1992.
- Bored Couples. Paris: Gallery du Jour, 1993.
- Home and Abroad. London: Jonathan Cape, 1994. ISBN 0224031325
- From A to B: Tales of Modern Motoring. BBC Books. ISBN 0563369841
- Small World: A global photographic project 1987–1994. Stockport, Cheshire: Dewi Lewis, 1995. ISBN 1899235051
- West Bay. Rocket Press, 1997.
- Food. Galerie Agnès B, 1998.
- Japonais Endormis. Galerie Agnès B, 1998. ISBN 2906496294
- Common Sense. Dewi Lewis, 1999. ISBN 1899235078
- Sguardigardesani. Milan, Charta, 1999.
- Benidorm. Sprengel museum Hannover, 1999. ISBN 3891691459.
- Boring Photographs. 2000. (Photographs of Boring, Oregon: not postcards.)
- Think of England. Phaidon. Hardback, 2000. ISBN 0714839914. Paperback, 2004. ISBN 0714844543
- Flowers. Munkedals: Munken & Trebruk, 1999. Galerie Du Jour Agnès B, 2001.
- Cherry Blossom Time in Tokyo. 2001.
- Martin Parr. London: Phaidon. Hardback, 2002. ISBN 0714839906. Paperback, 2005.
- Martin Parr. Portfolio. Te Neues. ISBN 3570194450
- Tutta Roma. Contrasto, 2007. ISBN 8869650162
- The Phone Book: 1998-2002. Rocket Press, 2002. ISBN 0946676534. ISBN 3980664724.
- Martin Parr Postcards. London: Phaidon, 2003. ISBN 0714843458
- Mexico. London: Chris Boot, 2006. ISBN 0954689488.
- Fashion Magazine. ISBN 9782952410205.
- Fashion Newspaper. Tokyo, 2007. Published to accompany an exhibition.
- Autoportrait. Stockport, Cheshire: Dewi Lewis, 2000. ISBN 1899235728
- From Our House to Your House: Celebrating the American Christmas. Stockport, Cheshire: Dewi Lewis, 2002. ISBN 1899235345
- Boring Postcards. London: Phaidon, 1999. Hardback ISBN 0714838950. Paperback ISBN 0714843903)
- Boring Postcards USA. London: Phaidon, 2000. Hardback ISBN 0714840009. Paperback ISBN 0714843911
- Langweilige Postkarten. London: Phaidon. ISBN 0714840629.
- Saddam Hussein Watches. London, 2004.
- David Goldblatt: Photographs. Milan: Contrasto. ISBN 8869650154
- Our True Intent Is All for Your Delight: The John Hinde Butlin's Photographs. London: Chris Boot, 2002. ISBN 0954281306
- Bliss: Postcards of Couples and Families. Chris Boot, 2003. ISBN 0954281330
- The Photobook: A History. (with Gerry Badger) London: Phaidon.
- Vol 1. 2004. ISBN 0714842850
- Vol 2. 2006. ISBN 0714844330
Externí odkazy
- Parr's site (vyžaduje Flash) (anglicky)
- Parr at Magnum (anglicky)
- Interview with Martin Parr at BBC Blast (anglicky)
- Information about Martin Parr and video clip at BBC GCSE Bitesize (anglicky)
- Audio interview with Martin Parr (MP3) (anglicky)
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