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Diskografie Ramones


Toto je diskografie punk rockové skupiny Ramones.


Studiová alba

Název<p />

<p align="left">Vydání<p /> <p align="center">Umístění v USA<p /> <p align="center">Umístění ve Velké Británii<p />
Ramones 23. dubna, 1976 111 -
Leave Home 10. ledna, 1977 148 45
Rocket to Russia 4. listopadu, 1977 49 60
Road to Ruin 22. září, 1978 103 32
End of the Century 4. února, 1980 44 14
Pleasant Dreams 29. července, 1981 58 -
Subterranean Jungle únor, 1983 83 -
Too Tough to Die říjen, 1984 172 63
Animal Boy květen, 1986 143 38
Halfway to Sanity 15. září, 1987 172 78
Brain Drain 18. květen, 1989 122 75
Mondo Bizarro 1. září, 1992 190 87
Acid Eaters prosinec, 1993 179 -
Adios Amigos! 18. července, 1995 148 62


<p align="center">Rok



Umístění v USA

Umístění ve Velké Británii

1976 "Blitzkrieg Bop" b/w "Havana Affair" Ramones - -
1976 "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" b/w "I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You" Ramones - -
1977 "I Remember You" b/w "California Sun" Leave Home - -
1977 "Sheena Is a Punk Rocker" b/w "I Don't Care" Rocket to Russia 81 22
1977 "Swallow My Pride" b/w "Pinhead" Leave Home - 36
1977 "Rockaway Beach" b/w "Babysitter" Rocket to Russia 66 -
1978 "Do You Wanna Dance?" b/w "It's a Long Way Back to Germany" Rocket to Russia 86 -
1978 "Don't Come Close" b/w "I Don't Want You" Road to Ruin - 39
1978 "Needles and Pins" b/w "I Wanted Everything" Road to Ruin - -
1979 "She's the One" b/w "I Wanna Be Sedated" Road to Ruin - -
1979 "Rock 'n' Roll High School" b/w "I Want You Around" End of the Century - 67
1980 "Baby, I Love You" b/w "High Risk Insurance" End of the Century - 8
1980 "Do You Remember Rock 'n' Roll Radio?" b/w "Let's Go" End of the Century - 54
1981 "We Want the Airwaves" b/w "You Sound Like You're Sick" Pleasant Dreams - -
1981 "She's a Sensation" b/w "All's Quiet on the Eastern Front" Pleasant Dreams - -
1983 "Psycho Therapy" b/w "My-My Kind of a Girl" Subterranean Jungle - -
1983 "Time Has Come Today" b/w "Outsider" Subterranean Jungle - -
1984 "Howling at the Moon (Sha-La-La)" b/w "Smash You" Too Tough to Die - 85
1985 "Chasing the Night" b/w "Daytime Dilemma (Dangers of Love)" Too Tough to Die - 85
1985 "Bonzo Goes to Bitburg" b/w "Street Fighting Man" Animal Boy - 81
1986 "Somebody Put Something in My Drink" b/w "Animal Boy" Animal Boy - 69
1986 "Something to Believe In" b/w "Love Kills" Animal Boy - 69
1986 "Crummy Stuff" b/w "She Belongs to Me" Animal Boy - 98
1987 "A Real Cool Time" b/w "Life Goes On" Halfway to Sanity - 85
1987 "I Wanna Live" b/w "Merry Christmas (I Don't Want to Fight Tonight)" Halfway to Sanity - -
1989 "Pet Sematary" b/w "All Screwed Up" Brain Drain - -
1989 "I Believe in Miracles" b/w "Zero Zero UFO" Brain Drain - -
1992 "Poison Heart" b/w "Censorshit" Mondo Bizarro 98 69
1992 "Strength to Endure" b/w "The Ballad of Tipper Gore" Mondo Bizarro - -
1993 "Touring" b/w "Cabbies on Crack" Mondo Bizarro - -
1993 "Journey to the Center of the Mind" b/w "Surfin' Safari" Acid Eaters - -
1993 "Substitute" b/w "Can't Seem to Make You Mine" Acid Eaters - -
1994 "7 and 7 Is" b/w "Out of Time" Acid Eaters - -
1995 "I Don't Want to Grow Up" b/w "R.A.M.O.N.E.S." ¡Adios Amigos! - -


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