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FFresh emotion happy.png

Soubor:The Solstice Flickr.jpg


Fotografie + The Solstice

This came from one of my favorite nights in Iceland ! This was shot around 2 AM, right when I started feeling loopy.

I was on the edge of some precipitous volcanic rock, and there was a waterfall behind me. It fed this little area of rapids that emptied out into one of the fjords. There had been a light rain for a few hours, but the setting sun cut underneath the clouds to unleash some godly colors.

About 10-20% of my HDRs are in portrait mode. I am just usually in landscape mode for some reason. Part of it has to do with the way people consume these things -- on monitors. I don't like making people scroll up and down to see a photo. That's kind of a drag. That's another reason I don't like those super-wide panoramas. They are so difficult to pan around, even though there are a lot of slick tools. It's just not a "viewing" experience while you are busy using a tool to manipulate the photo itself. Do you know what I mean ?

This photo was taken on June 12, 2010 using a Nikon D3X.

+ pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (autor: Stuck in Customs)

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současná18. 6. 2013, 11:13Náhled verze z 18. 6. 2013, 11:133 978×6 040 (13,11 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (FLICKR085)
