Soubor:NGC 612-Flickr-2020.png


Fotografie + English: NGC 612 (Uploaded on May 9, 2020)

  • A dusty lenticular galaxy with an active nucleus (type II Seyfert). I am very fond of the warped disk.
  • Data from the following proposals were used to create this image:
  • Precision Measurement of Black Hole Masses in Early-Type Galaxies from the ALMA Archive
  • An ACS Schedule Gap Imaging Survey of Nearby Active Galaxies
  • Processing note: The F110W data I preferred the appearance of, dust looking less transparent, but didn't cover the whole image. F160W was used around the outer corners where F110W didn't reach.
  • Red: WFC3/IR F110W + F160W
  • Green: ACS/WFC F814W
  • Blue: WFC3/UVIS F475W
  • Pixel scale is ~.05" per pixel (ACS/WFC) at original size.
  • North is up.
  • Author: Judy Schmidt

+ pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)


Historie souboru

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná8. 11. 2020, 23:43Náhled verze z 8. 11. 2020, 23:431 449×1 668 (4,05 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + English: (Taken on January 20, 2014) * Author: '''Royal Opera House Covent Garden''' + pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons FLICKR – Kategorie:CC fotografie Kategorie:Uživatelé FLICKRu)

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