Soubor:NS-00005-Cape Forchu Lighthouse-DJFlickr.jpg


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Řádka 1: Řádka 1:
Fotografie + English: (Taken on June 8, 2013, Sony NEX-7)
GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: NS-00005 – Cape Forchu Lighthouse (Taken on August 9, 2021, Sony ILCE-6300)
* Cape Forchu was the last of the staffed lighthouses in Nova Scotia, when its final keepers left in 1993. The dwellings wasn't vacant for long as the property was leased to the Yarmouth County Tourist Association in 1995 and a group of citizens formed {{Nowrap|the Friends of the Yarmouth Light Society}}, which opened the 1912 keeper’s duplex to the public in 1996.
* The structure, is nestled into jagged rocks and offers a breath taking natural vista.
* Tower Height: 22.9 meters (75ft)
* Focal Height: 37.5 meters (123ft) above water level
* Cape Forchu, Nova Scotia, Canada
* Author: '''Dennis Jarvis''' from Halifax, Canada
* Author: '''Dennis Jarvis''' from Halifax, Canada
+ pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons  
+ pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)
[[Kategorie:CC fotografie]]
[[Kategorie:CC fotografie]]
[[Kategorie:Gigantické fotografie]]
[[Kategorie:Album Dennis Jarvis]]
[[Kategorie:Album Dennis Jarvis]]

Aktuální verze z 20. 12. 2021, 14:47

GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: NS-00005 – Cape Forchu Lighthouse (Taken on August 9, 2021, Sony ILCE-6300)

  • Cape Forchu was the last of the staffed lighthouses in Nova Scotia, when its final keepers left in 1993. The dwellings wasn't vacant for long as the property was leased to the Yarmouth County Tourist Association in 1995 and a group of citizens formed the Friends of the Yarmouth Light Society, which opened the 1912 keeper’s duplex to the public in 1996.
  • The structure, is nestled into jagged rocks and offers a breath taking natural vista.
  • Tower Height: 22.9 meters (75ft)
  • Focal Height: 37.5 meters (123ft) above water level
  • Cape Forchu, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Author: Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada

+ pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)


Historie souboru

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná20. 12. 2021, 14:18Náhled verze z 20. 12. 2021, 14:186 069×4 105 (18,69 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + English: (Taken on June 8, 2013, Sony NEX-7) * Author: '''Dennis Jarvis''' from Halifax, Canada + pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons FLICKR — Kategorie:CC fotografie Kategorie:Album Dennis Jarvis)

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