Soubor:Mercedes black crow.jpg


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Řádka 1: Řádka 1:
Fotografie + English: A German-built prison bus used by the Soviet NKVD during the 1940 Katyn massacre. Dubbed the black crow ("chornyi voron"), such Mercedes-Benz built cars were widely used throughout the USSR in the 1940s and 1950s. A reconstruction built for the award-winning Katyń (2007) by Andrzej Wajda, currently (2010) on exposition at the Warsaw's Warsaw Uprising Museum.
* Date: 28 June 2010
* Camera location: 52° 13′ 56.5″ N, 20° 58′ 53.8″ E
* Author: Halibutt

Aktuální verze z 20. 11. 2017, 12:38

Fotografie + English: A German-built prison bus used by the Soviet NKVD during the 1940 Katyn massacre. Dubbed the black crow ("chornyi voron"), such Mercedes-Benz built cars were widely used throughout the USSR in the 1940s and 1950s. A reconstruction built for the award-winning Katyń (2007) by Andrzej Wajda, currently (2010) on exposition at the Warsaw's Warsaw Uprising Museum.

  • Date: 28 June 2010
  • Camera location: 52° 13′ 56.5″ N, 20° 58′ 53.8″ E
  • Author: Halibutt
+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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současná20. 11. 2017, 12:20Náhled verze z 20. 11. 2017, 12:204 288×2 848 (5,43 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky)

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