Ve čtvrtek 13. března 2025 se podařilo týmu
dokončit zcela nový balíček 900 000 fotografií na plných 100 procent !!
Nedostižná hranice 4 000 000 fotografií se února 2026 už nedožije...
FFresh emotion happy.png encyclopedia celebrated 18th birthday !


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Řádka 1: Řádka 1:
{{Pracuje se}}
Multimediální česká encyklopedie '''[[]]''' v sobotu [[2. listopad]]u 2024 mohutně slavila svou plnoletost ! je již 18 let na českém internetu !!
The Czech multimedia encyclopedia '''[[]]''' proudly celebrated its coming of age on Saturday, 2 November [[2024]].  
Pozici absolutně největší české [[encyklopedie]] jsem však jednoznačně získali již [[28. srpen|28. srpna]] [[2024]] překročením magické hranice '''[[:Soubor:ASUS TUF VG27AQ-01.jpg|1&nbsp;200&nbsp;000&nbsp;fotografií]]''' a&nbsp;také dosažením<br />mety '''[[:Soubor:2024-08-28-statistika-Multimediaexpo-cz.png|1&nbsp;554&nbsp;000]]''' všech stránek, což tehdy neměla žádná [[encyklopedie]] na území [[Česká republika|Česko]]–[[Slovensko|Slovenska]].
+ has been on the Czech Internet for a remarkable 18 years!
Chceme získat pozici globálního hráče s globálním dosahem, a proto musíme zahájit mimořádně rychlý růst a zahájit přípravy na čistě anglickou verzi naší [[encyklopedie]].
The position of the largest Czech encyclopedia was, however, clearly gained on 28 August 2024 by crossing the magical threshold of '''[[:Soubor:ASUS TUF VG27AQ-01.jpg|1,200,000&nbsp;photographs]]''' and also by reaching '''[[:Soubor:2024-08-28-statistika-Multimediaexpo-cz.png|1,554,000]]''' total pages, which at that time no other encyclopedia did in the territory of Czech Republic and Slovakia.
We aim to position ourselves as a global player with a global reach; this is why we need to start growing extremely fast and start preparations for a purely {{Nowrap|English version of the encyclopedia.}} Our main goal is to gradually get 200 employees and start a rapid growth to '''200,000,000''' pages and '''170,000,000''' multimedia files.  
Naším hlavním plánem je postupně získat 200 zaměstnanců a spustit rychlý růst k hranici '''200&nbsp;000&nbsp;000''' stránek a '''170&nbsp;000&nbsp;000''' multimediálních souborů !
Our main goal is to clearly surpass Wikimedia Commons and permanently appropriate the huge attendance that this project generates.<br />Of course, this will also entail a great expansion of our Company Directory.
Naším hlavním plánem je jednoznačně překonat '''[[Wikimedia Commons]]''' a trvale si přivlastnit '''[[Návštěvnost|mamutí návštěvnost]]''', kterou tento projekt generuje !<br />S tím bude samozřejmě souviset i obrovský rozkvět našeho [[Katalog firem a prezentací|Katalogu firem]].
[[ offers 1,100 top maps and 1,100,000 multimedia files !|During June 2024]], we clearly anticipated that our new main server would be a workstation <ext> ::Lenovo ThinkStation P620</ext> with a base processor <ext> ::AMD Threadripper PRO 5945WX</ext> and a maximum of <ext> ::5 HDD bays</ext>.<br />Due to the limited number of HDDs, we had to think about deploying a pair of <ext> ::NAS file servers.</ext><br />However, the new ThinkStation P620 could not be delivered in perfect condition, and the available second-hand station was assessed as a major risk.  
[[ nabízí 1 100 špičkových map a 1 100 000 multimediálních souborů !|Během června 2024]] jsme jednoznačně předpokládali, že naším novým hlavním serverem bude pracovní stanice – <ext> ::Lenovo ThinkStation P620</ext> se&nbsp;základním<br />procesorem <ext> ::AMD Threadripper PRO 5945WX</ext> a maximálně <ext> ::5 pozicemi</ext> pro klasické [[Pevný disk|HDD]]. Kvůli omezenému počtu HDD jsme museli přemýšlet o nasazení <ext> ::dvojice NASů</ext>.<br />Nová stanice ThinkStation P620 však nakonec nemohla být dodána v perfektním stavu a dostupná použitá stanice z druhé ruky byla vyhodnocena jako značně riziková.
At the end of September 2024, we therefore started to consider a significantly more expensive but much more powerful workstation '''<ext> ::the HAL3000 Workstation Threadripper</ext>''', which offers a top-of-the-range {{Nowrap|24-core <ext> ::AMD Threadripper 7960X</ext>}} processor for a top price of '''CZK 120,000''' in the base configuration (64 GB RAM ECC). However, we requested '''256 GB RAM''' ECC right from the start, which significantly increased the&nbsp;final price. Later, one regular Kingston KC3000 [[Solid-state drive|SSD]] (512 GB) was also rejected and instead we got a pair of server SSDs – [[:Soubor:AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7960X-KINGSTON DC600M2-2024-11-17.JPG|Kingston DC600M (960 GB)]], which again increased the price tag.  
Na konci [[září]] [[2024]] jsme proto začali koketovat s výrazně dražší, ale mnohem výkonnější pracovní stanicí – '''<ext> ::HAL3000 Workstation Threadripper</ext>''',<br />která nabízí špičkový 24-jádrový procesor <ext> ::AMD Threadripper 7960X</ext> za špičkových '''120 000 Kč''' v základní konfiguraci (64 GB RAM ECC).<br />Hned na počátku našeho koketování se stanicí HAL3000 jsme však požadovali '''256 GB RAM''' ECC, což pořádně navýšilo výslednou cenu.<br />Později bylo také odmítnuto jedno běžné [[Solid-state drive|SSD]] Kingston KC3000 (512&nbsp;GB) a místo něj máme dvojici serverových SSD – [[:Soubor:AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7960X-KINGSTON DC600M2-2024-11-17.JPG|Kingston DC600M (960 GB)]], což opět navýšilo cenovku.  
The pair of server SSDs is an excellent base for the <ext> ::operating system</ext>, but we will be storing all of our photos on <ext> ::hard drives</ext>.<br />This is where the powerful <ext> ::Fractal Design Define 7 XL</ext> case comes into play, offering up to '''18''' positions for server drives. Thanks to this, we don't need any external <ext> ::NAS file servers</ext> so far.  
Dvojice serverových SSD je výborným základem pro [[Linux|operační systém]], ale všechny [[fotografie]] budeme ukládat na [[Pevný disk|pevné disky]].<br />A tady vstupuje do hry skvělá skříň <ext> ::Fractal Design Define 7 XL</ext>, která nabízí až '''18''' pozic pro serverové disky. Díky tomu zatím nepotřebujeme žádné externí <ext> ::NASy</ext>.
We currently have '''4''' <ext> ::Seagate IronWolf Pro 20 TB</ext> drives in our server (40 TB of free space), and in May 2026 we plan to add '''6''' <ext> ::Seagate IronWolf Pro 24 TB</ext> drives,<br />which will be part of our disk array offering a total of [[:Soubor:Hard Drive Capacity Calculator-Threadripper-2024-11-07.png|'''112 TB''' of free space]] for multimedia files.  
Aktuálně máme v našem serveru '''4''' disky <ext> ::Seagate IronWolf Pro 20 TB</ext> (40 TB volného prostoru) a v&nbsp;květnu [[2026]] plánujeme přidat '''6''' disků <ext> ::Seagate IronWolf Pro 24 TB</ext>,<br />které budou součástí našeho diskového pole nabízejícího celkem [[:Soubor:Hard Drive Capacity Calculator-Threadripper-2024-11-07.png|'''112 TB''' volného prostoru]] pro multimediální soubory.
A purely English version of the encyclopedia will be launched on our domain – ''''''.<br />All company presentations in the English encyclopedia will be paid and no FREE presentations will be allowed.<br />In the Czech version of the encyclopedia, the creation of new FREE company presentations will be prohibited as of 1 May 2025, because this type of presentation did not meet our expectations and goals.  
Čistě anglická verze naší [[encyklopedie]] bude spuštěna na naší doméně – ''''''.<br />Všechny firemní prezentace v anglické encyklopedii budou placené a žádné prezentace ZDARMA nebudou povoleny.<br />V české verzi [[|encyklopedie]] bude zakázáno vytváření nových firemních prezentací ZDARMA od [[1. květen|1. května]] [[2025]], protože tento typ prezentací nesplnil naše představy a cíle.
We plan to use our current server with <ext> ::Intel Xeon processor</ext> until the end of [[2025]], but exclusively in the position of a test and experimental platform.<br />In January [[2026]], we plan to completely scrap our current server and deploy an unused server with&nbsp;<ext> ::AMD&nbsp;Ryzen&nbsp;9&nbsp;5900X</ext> (128&nbsp;GB&nbsp;RAM) in the position of a test and experimental platform.<br />After this replacement, we plan to start direct and permanent improvements to our <ext> ::editorial&nbsp;system</ext>.
Náš současný server s <ext> ::procesorem Intel Xeon</ext> plánujeme používat až do konce roku [[2025]], ale výhradně v pozici testovací a experimentální platformy.<br />V lednu [[2026]] chceme náš současný server zcela zlikvidovat a do pozice testovací platformy pro&nbsp;experimenty nasadíme nepoužitý server s [[:Soubor:AMD-Ryzen-5900X-3-2904-2023.JPG|AMD Ryzen 9 5900X]] (128 GB RAM).<br />Po této výměně plánujeme začít s přímým a trvalým vylepšováním našeho [[MediaWiki|redakčního systému]].
In doing so, it is worth pointing out that if we allocate 500 GB of server space (and that's a big margin) for every 1,300,000 multimedia files, then 170,000,000 files will occupy a total of '''64.0 TB''' (65,500 GB).<br />This includes about 465,000 [[:Kategorie:Gigantické fotografie|Gigantic&nbsp;Photos]]. The&nbsp;total planned reserve in our disk array ([[:Soubor:Hard Drive Capacity Calculator-Threadripper-2024-11-07.png|102 TB]]) will be a substantial 38.0 TB of free space.  
Přitom je dobré zdůraznit, že když na každých 1 300 000 multimediálních souborů vyčleníme 500 GB prostoru na serveru (a to už je velká rezerva),<br />potom 170&nbsp;000&nbsp;000 souborů obsadí celkem '''64,0 TB''' (65 500 GB). A to včetně asi 465&nbsp;000 [[:Kategorie:Gigantické fotografie|Gigantických&nbsp;fotografií]].<br />Celková plánovaná rezerva v našem diskovém poli ([[:Soubor:Hard Drive Capacity Calculator-Threadripper-2024-11-07.png|102 TB]]) bude značných 38,0 TB volného prostoru.
V následujících letech chceme navíc vybudovat silnou komunitu našich externích redaktorů z mnoha zemí.
The Czech multimedia encyclopedia '''[[]]''' proudly celebrated its coming of age on [[Sobota|Saturday]], [[2. listopad|2 November]] [[2024]].
- has been on the Czech Internet for a remarkable 18 years!
The position of the largest Czech encyclopedia was, however, clearly gained on 28 August 2024 by crossing the magical threshold of '''[[:Soubor:ASUS TUF VG27AQ-01.jpg|1,200,000&nbsp;photographs]]''' and also by reaching 1,554,000 total pages, which at that time no other encyclopedia did in the territory of Czech Republic and Slovakia.
We aim to position ourselves as a global player with a global reach; this is why we need to start growing extremely fast and start preparations for a purely English version of the encyclopedia.
Our main goal is to gradually get 200 employees and start a rapid growth to 200,000,000 pages and 170,000,000 multimedia files.
Our main goal is to clearly surpass Wikimedia Commons and permanently appropriate the huge attendance that this project generates.
Of course, this will also entail a great expansion of our Company Directory.
[[ offers 1,100 top maps and 1,100,000 multimedia files !|During June 2024]], we clearly anticipated that our new main server would be a workstation Lenovo ThinkStation P620 with a base processor AMD Threadripper PRO 5945WX and a maximum of 5 HDD bays. Due to the limited number of HDDs, we had to think about deploying a pair of NAS drives.
However, the new ThinkStation P620 could not be delivered in perfect condition,
and the available second-hand station was assessed as a major risk.
At the end of September 2024, we therefore started to consider a significantly more expensive but much more powerful workstation - the HAL3000 Workstation Threadripper, which offers a top-of-the-range 24-core AMD Threadripper 7960X processor for a top price of CZK 120,000 in the base configuration (64 GB RAM ECC). However, we requested 256 GB RAM ECC right from the start, which significantly increased the final price.
Later, one regular Kingston KC3000 SSD (512 GB) was also rejected and instead we got a pair of server SSDs - Kingston DC600M (960 GB), which again increased the price tag.
The pair of server SSDs is an excellent base for the operating system, but we will be storing all of our photos on hard drives.
This is where the great Fractal Design Define 7 XL comes into play, offering up to 18 positions
for server drives. Thanks to this, we don't need any external NAS drives so far.
We currently have 4 Seagate IronWolf Pro 20 TB drives in our server (40 TB of free space), and in May 2026 we plan to add 6 Seagate IronWolf Pro 24 TB drives,
which will be part of our disk array offering a total of 112 TB of free space for multimedia files.
A purely English version of the encyclopedia will be launched on our domain – ''''''.<br />All company presentations in the English encyclopedia will be paid and no FREE presentations
will be allowed. In the Czech version of the encyclopedia, the creation of new FREE company presentations will be prohibited as of 1 May 2025,
because this type of presentation did not meet our expectations and goals.
We plan to use our current server with <ext> ::Intel Xeon processor</ext> until the end of 2025, but exclusively in the position of a test and experimental platform.
In January 2026, we plan to completely scrap our current server and deploy an unused server with <ext> ::AMD Ryzen 9 5900X</ext> (128&nbsp;GB&nbsp;RAM) in the position of a test and experimental platform.<br />After this replacement, we plan to start direct and permanent improvements to our <ext> ::editorial&nbsp;system</ext>.
In doing so, it is worth pointing out that for every 1,300,000 multimedia files we allocate 500 GB of server space (and that's a big margin), then 170,000,000 files will occupy a total of '''64.0 TB''' (65,500 GB). This includes about 465,000 [[:Kategorie:Gigantické fotografie|Giant Photos]]. The total planned reserve in our disk array (102 TB) will be a substantial 38.0 TB of free space.
In addition, we intend to build a strong community of external editors from many countries in the coming years.  
In addition, we intend to build a strong community of external editors from many countries in the coming years.  
==== profile ====  
==== profile ====  
: is clearly the largest Czech multimedia [[Encyklopedie|encyclopedia]] (over '''1,633,700''' pages). Support for '''330''' national languages is taken for granted.  
: is clearly the largest Czech multimedia [[Encyklopedie|encyclopedia]] (over '''1,633,900''' pages). Support for '''330''' national languages is taken for granted.  
: Our readers mainly use [[:Soubor:Analytics-Tech-overview-Multimediaexpo-2024-11-08.png|Google Chrome]] browser and [[:Soubor:Analytics-Tech-overview-Multimediaexpo-2024-11-08.png|Full HD&nbsp;(1920×1080 pixels)]] graphic resolution.  
: Our readers mainly use [[:Soubor:Analytics-Tech-overview-Multimediaexpo-2024-11-08.png|Google Chrome]] browser and [[:Soubor:Analytics-Tech-overview-Multimediaexpo-2024-11-08.png|Full HD&nbsp;(1920×1080 pixels)]] graphic resolution.  
: We will certainly be helped on our long journey by a fast growing [[Návštěvnost|traffic]], which will be strongly supported by [[Reklama|advertising]] and regular competitions.  
: We will certainly be helped on our long journey by a fast growing [[Návštěvnost|traffic]], which will be strongly supported by [[Reklama|advertising]] and regular competitions.  
Řádka 77: Řádka 39:
* Website: '''<ext></ext>'''
* Website: '''<ext></ext>'''
* Mobile: +420 777 292 540
* Mobile: +420 777 292 540
* Official publication — '''<ext></ext>'''
* Official publication — '''<ext></ext>'''
* Official PDF —  
* Official PDF — '''[[:Soubor:EINPresswire-775840195-multimediaexpo-cz-encyclopedia-celebrated-18th-birthday.pdf| encyclopedia celebrated 18th birthday!]]'''
[[Kategorie:Multimediaexpo:Tiskové zprávy|2024]]
[[Kategorie:Multimediaexpo:Tiskové zprávy|2024]]

Aktuální verze z 11. 1. 2025, 15:44


The Czech multimedia encyclopedia proudly celebrated its coming of age on Saturday, 2 November 2024. has been on the Czech Internet for a remarkable 18 years!

The position of the largest Czech encyclopedia was, however, clearly gained on 28 August 2024 by crossing the magical threshold of 1,200,000 photographs and also by reaching 1,554,000 total pages, which at that time no other encyclopedia did in the territory of Czech Republic and Slovakia. We aim to position ourselves as a global player with a global reach; this is why we need to start growing extremely fast and start preparations for a purely English version of the encyclopedia. Our main goal is to gradually get 200 employees and start a rapid growth to 200,000,000 pages and 170,000,000 multimedia files.

Our main goal is to clearly surpass Wikimedia Commons and permanently appropriate the huge attendance that this project generates.
Of course, this will also entail a great expansion of our Company Directory.

During June 2024, we clearly anticipated that our new main server would be a workstation Lenovo ThinkStation P620 with a base processor AMD Threadripper PRO 5945WX and a maximum of 5 HDD bays.
Due to the limited number of HDDs, we had to think about deploying a pair of NAS file servers.
However, the new ThinkStation P620 could not be delivered in perfect condition, and the available second-hand station was assessed as a major risk.

At the end of September 2024, we therefore started to consider a significantly more expensive but much more powerful workstation – the HAL3000 Workstation Threadripper, which offers a top-of-the-range 24-core AMD Threadripper 7960X processor for a top price of CZK 120,000 in the base configuration (64 GB RAM ECC). However, we requested 256 GB RAM ECC right from the start, which significantly increased the final price. Later, one regular Kingston KC3000 SSD (512 GB) was also rejected and instead we got a pair of server SSDs – Kingston DC600M (960 GB), which again increased the price tag.

The pair of server SSDs is an excellent base for the operating system, but we will be storing all of our photos on hard drives.
This is where the powerful Fractal Design Define 7 XL case comes into play, offering up to 18 positions for server drives. Thanks to this, we don't need any external NAS file servers so far.

We currently have 4 Seagate IronWolf Pro 20 TB drives in our server (40 TB of free space), and in May 2026 we plan to add 6 Seagate IronWolf Pro 24 TB drives,
which will be part of our disk array offering a total of 112 TB of free space for multimedia files.

A purely English version of the encyclopedia will be launched on our domain –
All company presentations in the English encyclopedia will be paid and no FREE presentations will be allowed.
In the Czech version of the encyclopedia, the creation of new FREE company presentations will be prohibited as of 1 May 2025, because this type of presentation did not meet our expectations and goals.

We plan to use our current server with Intel Xeon processor until the end of 2025, but exclusively in the position of a test and experimental platform.
In January 2026, we plan to completely scrap our current server and deploy an unused server with AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (128 GB RAM) in the position of a test and experimental platform.
After this replacement, we plan to start direct and permanent improvements to our editorial system.

In doing so, it is worth pointing out that if we allocate 500 GB of server space (and that's a big margin) for every 1,300,000 multimedia files, then 170,000,000 files will occupy a total of 64.0 TB (65,500 GB).
This includes about 465,000 Gigantic Photos. The total planned reserve in our disk array (102 TB) will be a substantial 38.0 TB of free space.

In addition, we intend to build a strong community of external editors from many countries in the coming years. profile is clearly the largest Czech multimedia encyclopedia (over 1,633,900 pages). Support for 330 national languages is taken for granted.
Our readers mainly use Google Chrome browser and Full HD (1920×1080 pixels) graphic resolution.
We will certainly be helped on our long journey by a fast growing traffic, which will be strongly supported by advertising and regular competitions.
In addition, the overall statistics of the encyclopedia have recently surpassed a significant milestone of 141,000,000 pages viewed.

Additional information: