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Soubor:Surreal View On Petronas Tower Kuala Lumpur Flickr.jpg


Fotografie + English: Surreal View On Petronas Tower – Kuala Lumpur

  • This shot is unique. I can understand that a lot of you photographers might say this is not a photo. Be sure it is not meant as a photo. It is shall be seen as art.
  • As I worked in Photoshop on this one I thought I want to depict the Petronas Tower in a way you might not have seen it until now. Was my aim successful?
  • To all tech- guys: I worked with different layers and blended them in. The only thing I wasn’t able to remove is the Halo at the towers tip. Still I really like the burning feeling of the clouds which are illuminated by the Spotlights.
  • By looking at the original file I am astonished which Information you can get out of a D90 and the NEF Files. The Photo has been shot with 3 Exposures. -2, 0 +2. Actually it is a stitched Panorama from three Photos.
  • I didn’t use my 12-24 Lens. I therefore used my 17-55 mm Lens and shot at 24mm.
  • The first shot was the upper part. Then I shot the middle and the bottom Part. Photoshop was so nice to sticht the shots together after I processed them in Photomatix.
  • Author: Spreng Ben

+ pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic


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současná27. 3. 2015, 01:11Náhled verze z 27. 3. 2015, 01:112 640×4 233 (5,84 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + English: Surreal View On Petronas Tower – Kuala Lumpur * This shot is unique. I can understand that a lot of you photographers might say this is not a photo. Be sure it is not meant as a photo. It is shall be seen as art. * As I worked in P)

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