Ve čtvrtek 13. března 2025 se podařilo týmu
dokončit zcela nový balíček 900 000 fotografií na plných 100 procent !!
Nedostižná hranice 4 000 000 fotografií se února 2026 už nedožije...
FFresh emotion happy.png



Obrázek + Čeština: Spektrum viditelného světla.

  • English: Spectrum of visible light, rendered in sRGB, so that the relative luminances are respected. The CIE 2° color matching functions were taken from, and the conversion from XYZ to sRGB from I normalized values so that the red component of 602 nm was 255 (the maximum), Colors which in sRGB would have been too bright because they are made by two primaries (namely, yellow and cyan) had to be dimmed and were thus somewhat desaturated, due to the way sRGB works.
  • Date: 23 September 2006 (upload date)
  • Author: Army1987 at en.wikipedia

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.

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současná7. 10. 2014, 08:46Náhled verze z 7. 10. 2014, 08:46386×120 (3 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky)

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