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Soubor:STS-102 crew.jpg


Fotografie + With the full-time occupancy of the International Space Station (ISS), Space Transportation System crew portraits have taken on a new look, as depicted in this composite scene. These ten astronauts and cosmonauts represent the base STS-102 space travelers, as well as the crew members for the station crews switching out turns aboard the outpost. In the top group are, from the left, astronauts James M. Kelly, pilot; Andrew S.W. Thomas, mission specialist; James D. Wetherbee, mission commander; and Paul W. Richards, mission specialist. The bottom left grouping is the Expedition One crew, which includes, from left, cosmonaut Sergei K. Krikalev, flight engineer; astronaut William M. (Bill) Shepherd, commander; and cosmonaut Yuri P. Gidzenko, Soyuz commander. At bottom right is the crew who will replace Shepherd and his collegues aboard the station, from the left, astronaut James S. Voss; cosmonaut Yury V. Usachev, Expedition Two commander; and astronaut Susan J. Helms. Usachev, Krikalev and Gidzenko all represent the Russian Aviation and Space Agency. + pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status - Public domain (because it was created by NASA).

Historie souboru

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná21. 5. 2013, 17:30Náhled verze z 21. 5. 2013, 17:302 993×2 385 (1,72 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (FILE1122)

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