

Fotografie + en: The malaria plasmodium

  • fr: Le plasmodium de la malaria
  • Description: Malaria is transmitted to people and animals by mozzies. Malarial sporozoites develop inside oocysts and are released in large numbers into the hemocoel of Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes. This false-colored electron micrograph shows a sporozoite migrating through the cytoplasm of midgut epithelia.
  • Source:
  • Credit: Cover credit: Image by Ute Frevert; false color by Margaret Shear

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současná2. 8. 2015, 09:42Náhled verze z 2. 8. 2015, 09:42366×400 (48 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + en: The malaria plasmodium * fr: Le plasmodium de la malaria * Description: Malaria is transmitted to people and animals by mozzies. Malarial sporozoites develop inside oocysts and are released in large numbers into the hemocoel of Anopheles )

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