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Soubor:Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird-028-AWFlickr.jpg


Fotografie + English: Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird ‘17972’ (61-7972) (Taken on May 7, 2015, Nikon D3200)

  • c/n 2023
  • Built in 1966 with US military serial 61-7972, although often reported as being 64-17972.
  • In 1974 this aircraft attended the Farnborough Airshow near London, and set two world speed records in the process. On 1st September it arrived from New York in a time of 1 hour 54 minutes and 56.4 seconds, an average speed of 1,806.94mph. Her return journey on 13th September was from RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk to Los Angeles, California, and this flight took 3 hours 47 minutes and 39 seconds, covering 5,447 miles at an average speed of 1,435.39mph.
  • On 6th March 1990 her final flight set another record, when she flew from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. in 1hour 4minutes and 20 seconds, an average speed of 2,124mph. She was then transferred over to the Smithsonian Institute and is seen on display at the Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center as part of the National Air and Space Museum.
  • Washington Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia
  • 7th May 2015
  • Author: Alan Wilson

+ pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)


Historie souboru

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná5. 8. 2021, 12:26Náhled verze z 5. 8. 2021, 12:263 515×5 273 (9,97 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + English: (Taken on September 17, 2016, Nikon D3200) * Author: '''Alan Wilson''' + pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) FLICKR – Kategorie:CC fotografie [[Kat)
