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Fotografie + English: Jennifer Hawkins ( Taken on March 29, 2013 )

  • Marquee's first birthday party: The Star hotel / casino - Jennifer Hawkins leads celebrities; Sydney, Australia...
  • Marquee Sydney at The Star hotel, casino and entertainment complex, celebrated its first birthday tonight.

We sent along our media team to cover the action, and the Easter break didn't seem to slow down celebs or media going to the land based casino A ranked nightclub.

  • Celebrities including Jennifer Hawkins, Ant Simpson, Prinnie Stevens and Briden-Starr
  • Entertainers included Timmy Trumpet, Tenzin, Helena, Georgia, K Note, Zero Cool and Hook N Sling. They conducted "rotating sets" to keep the party pumping.

Well done to everyone included in yet another awesome event put on from our friends at Marquee Sydney.

  • About Marquee Sydney...
  • The Nightclub...

Internationally acclaimed nightclub operators, Tao Group, have breathed energy and new life into Sydney’s nightlife landscape with the opening of Marquee at The Star Sydney.

Designed like no other nightlife venue in Australia, Marquee Sydney offers nearly 20,000 square feet of floor space. It features three distinct rooms within the one venue which allows it to cater to different music tastes and moods.

The Main Room has a 30ft LED screen/DJ Booth and a large dance floor. In contrast, The library offers an exclusive experience complete with a working fireplace. The Boombox features a seperate DJ Booth, state-of-the-art sound system and unparallelled views of the Sydney skyline.

The club is furnished with luxurious interiors and an overall amazing sound system.

  • Our sound...

Being the premier nightlife venue in Australia, our AV capabilities are superior. Managed by Full Throt­tle Enter­tain­ment, Australia’s pre­em­i­nent audio visual design and pro­duc­tion provider, Marquee Sydney is at the forefront of AV technology.

  • Websites
    • Marquee Sydney :
    • The Star :
    • Jennifer Hawkins official website :
    • Music News Australia :
  • Author: Eva Rinaldi

+ pochází z, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)


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