Soubor:Gaultheria miqueliana aka Miquels spicywintergreen in botanical gargen gothenburg sweden.jpg


Fotografie + Description: This plant is called Miquel's spicywintergreen in english. The scientific name is Gaultheria miqueliana. This particular was photographed in the systematical field of the botantical garden in Gothenburg, Sweden. It does not appear naturally in Sweden (it grows in east Asia and Japan).

  • English: Miquel's spicywintergreen
  • Svenska: Japanskt vaktelbär
  • Dansk: Bjergthe
  • Camera: Nikon D50 with a 18-55mm lens
  • Date: 10 August 2006, 14:37
  • Author: Martin Olsson (

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současná22. 12. 2015, 07:08Náhled verze z 22. 12. 2015, 07:083 039×2 014 (2,14 MB)Ivan Drago (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + + pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – Kategorie:CC fotografie )

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