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Soubor:Death Valley STS058-83-28.jpg

Velikost tohoto náhledu je: 608 × 599 pixelů
Obrázek ve vyšším rozlišení (rozměr: 3 925 × 3 869 pixelů, velikost souboru: 2,08 MB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)
Fotografie + Death Valley from the Space Shuttle, mission STS-058, October 1993. Image has been rotated so north is at the top.
Death Valley, the lowest point in the United States at 282 feet (86 meters) below sea level, is the white area at the northern end of this graben. In contrast, the brown Panamint Mountains that border Death Valley on the west have a series of ridge lines that exceed 7000 feet (2135 meters) and a maximum peak of 11 048 feet (3365 meters). A series of alluvial fans flanks the Panamints’ eastern side, and an elongated, tan, dry lakebed lies just west of the mountain range.
+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted".
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Datum a čas | Náhled | Rozměry | Uživatel | Komentář | |
současná | 12. 9. 2013, 08:32 | ![]() | 3 925×3 869 (2,08 MB) | Frill80 (diskuse | příspěvky) | (Fotografie + Frill80 + pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – ) |
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