Soubor:Brasília Collage.png


Fotografie + Description:

  • Português: Do topo, em sentido horário: Eixo Monumental visto a partir da Torre de TV; Catedral Metropolitana à noite; fachada do Palácio da Alvorada; Ponte Juscelino Kubitschek no Lago Paranoá; edifícios do Setor Bancário Sul e o edifício do Congresso Nacional com o mastro especial da Praça dos Três Poderes ao fundo.
  • English: From the top, clockwise: Monumental Axis seen from the TV Tower; Metropolitan Cathedral at night; facade of the Alvorada Palace; Juscelino Kubitschek bridge in Paranoá Lake; buildings of the South Banking Sector and the National Congress building with the national mast in the Three Powers Plaza at the background.
  • Date: 17 November 2018
  • Author: Chronus
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současná22. 5. 2021, 16:14Náhled verze z 22. 5. 2021, 16:14800×1 280 (1,73 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + )

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