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Fotografie + Description:

  • English: The AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is a desktop processor with 12 cores, launched in November 2020, at an MSRP of $549. It is part of the Ryzen 9 lineup, using the Zen 3 (Vermeer) architecture with Socket AM4. Thanks to AMD Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) the core-count is effectively doubled, to 24 threads. Ryzen 9 5900X has 64MB of L3 cache and operates at 3.7 GHz by default, but can boost up to 4.8 GHz, depending on the workload. AMD is building the Ryzen 9 5900X on a 7 nm production process using 4,150 million transistors. The silicon die of the chip is not fabricated at AMD, but at the foundry of TSMC.
  • With a TDP of 105 W, the Ryzen 9 5900X consumes a good deal of power, so decent cooling is needed. AMD's processor supports DDR4 memory with a dual-channel interface. The highest officially supported memory speed is 3200 MHz, but with overclocking (and the right memory modules) you can go even higher. For communication with other components in the machine, Ryzen 9 5900X uses a PCI-Express Gen 4 connection. This processor does not have integrated graphics, you will need a separate graphics card. Hardware virtualization is available on the Ryzen 9 5900X, which greatly improves virtual machine performance.
  • Česky: Dvojice 12-jádrových procesorů AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (Zen 3).
  • První procesor Ryzen 9 5900X bude srdcem našeho nového webového serveru !
  • Druhý procesor Ryzen 9 5900X bude srdcem mého hlavního osobního PC, které bude velmi silně podobné novému webovému serveru !
  • Date: 14. 5. 2023 (EXIF)
  • Author: Michal Pohořelský, ALL MULTIMEDIA, s.r.o.

+ pochází z mého špičkového fotoaparátu Olympus XZ-2.

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současná15. 5. 2023, 13:50Náhled verze z 15. 5. 2023, 13:503 200×1 800 (878 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + Description: * '''English''': The '''AMD Ryzen 9 5900X''' is a desktop processor with 12 cores, launched in November 2020, at an MSRP of $549. It is part of the Ryzen 9 lineup, using the Zen 3 (Vermeer) architecture with Socket AM4. Thanks to)

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