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Soubor:47th Bombardment Wing - B-45 tornadoes.jpg


Fotografie + Description:

  • English: Flightline photo of B-45A-5-NA Tornadoes of the 47th Light Bomb Wing, Langley Air Force Base, Va., before trans-atlantic flight to Sculthorpe, England, in July 1952. Identifiable aircraft are (nearest to farthest) 47-082, 47-089, 47-050, 47-061, 47-058, 47-081, unknown, unknown, 47-059, 47-064, unknown. (U.S. Air Force photo)
  • 47-082 was withdrawn from operational use at RAF Sculthorpe on July 7,1958 and was sent to Boulhaut AB, Morocco for fire practice use. 47-089 was withdrawn from operational use at RAF Sculthorpe on May 13,1958 and was sent to Etain AB, France for fire practice use. 47-050 was stricken off charge at North American Aviation in Inglewood,CA on April 5,1957. 47-061 was withdrawn from operational use at RAF Alconbury on April 4,1958 and was sent to RAF Bentwater for fire practice use. 47-058 was withdrawn from operational use at RAF Sculthorpe by October 1958 and was sent to RAF Greenham Common for fire practice use. 47-081 was withdrawn from operational use at RAF Sculthorpe on July 7, 1958 and was sent to Ben Guerir AB, Morocco for fire practice use.
  • 47-059 crashed January 30, 1956.
  • Date: 1952
  • Source: – United States Air Force via
  • Author: United States Air Force

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This image or file is a work of a U.S. Air Force Airman or employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain in the United States.


Historie souboru

Kliknutím na datum a čas se zobrazí tehdejší verze souboru.

Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná23. 8. 2020, 08:58Náhled verze z 23. 8. 2020, 08:581 007×622 (167 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + )

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